Five weeks on the Dr. Demento Show! Request it again!
I met your mother in the trailer park
Out turning tricks for beer and gas
I stole behind her like a tiger shark
And I bit her on the ass
She didn't know me till I grabbed her wig
And said she looked like Donald Trump
She couldn't kick me with her wooden leg
So she beat me with the stump
We pledged to spend the night severely blitzed
And hailed some cabbie from Iraq
We paid our fare to town with counterfeits
And we spent the change on crack
We went to have ourselves a drink or two
But all her child support was gone
We stole some Cuervo from the Circle Q
And we drank it in the john
We drank a toast to impotence
We drank a toast to cows
We tried to sing and dance like Mexicans
But neither one knew how
She said you kids were effing worthless slobs
And that her pimp was still a jerk
She would have liked to try some decent jobs
But she didn't like to work
I said for broads her age her body cooked
A total lie to try to score
I called her "Britney Eyes"; they really looked
Like Marty Feldman's more
She said she saw me on the wanted signs
And heard I busted out of jail
I said it rocked to meet celebrities
But the water sports were hell
We drank a toast to breast implants
We drank a toast to Pong
While singing in our underpants
Another old lame song
The room was stinky and our livers shot
And I was far too plowed to play
We took turns puking in the parking lot
And I watched her limp away
Just for a moment I was going straight
But then I jacked an SUV
And as I swerved to miss the Super 8
I drove straight through a tree

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